Title: Blue Light Author: jendavis Rating: G Characters/Pairing: Alec Hardison/Eliot Spencer Genre: Episode Tag, ficlet Summary: They've got their routines. They don't need to talk about it. Prompt: leverage500 #5: "Blue" Notes/Warnings: none
Title: Someday We'll Know Author: jendavis Rating: G Characters/Pairing: Alec Hardison/Eliot Spencer pre-slash Genre: Fluff, Pre-slash Summary: Hardison will read up on it. Or into it. Whatever. Prompt: Fives Notes/Warnings: N/A
Title: Hajime Author: LMX Rating: G Characters/Pairing: Eliot Genre: I hate this category... fluff? Summary: He never wants it to end. Prompt: Begin Notes/Warnings: The order of calls is subject to some artistic license.